a beautiful day. I feel the sunshine on my face on this fresh
October morning. I wait for the train for Frankfurt. Doors open.
Happily I get in, and decide to write on this beautiful fresh
day. I sit beside the window, the train rattling along. Suddenly
the sun has gone, we fly through a foggy patch, oh how life can
suddenly change, just like that. Sometimes up, sometimes down.
The mist has cleared, sunshine again! The train stops at the station.
Old ladies talk, excited travelling as a small group. Life can
be like that, exciting. Makes my heart happy, this sun coming
into my heart today. "Allah I thank you for these small gifts
and mercies". In fact these small gifts (well thats what
we think), how can we measure that little bit of sun as small
actually, when the sun is so huge ! Everything is measured in
its given way and time. Or so we think................... Who
is the best of Measurer's? Yes we know, but do we really realize?
Will we stand up to His measures, His Judgement, on that more
than sunny Day! Where will the sun be on that Day? Yes, those
little measures will all be measured in Total! No more fog, no
more misty days! All will be clear. |